
Agriculture, production, distribution, capital, capital accumulation, circulation of commodities, warehouses, railway systems, satellite communications, global internet technologies, TCP/IP, application layer, presentation layer, session layer, transport layer, network layer, data link layer, physical layer. High speed train journey, Ashford to London, Thursday 20 May 2021. The ships are Pauline (top two photographs), ro-ro cargo and theContinue reading “Commuting”

Adventures in capitalism, April 22

Or, more signals from the Society of the Spectacle. I’ve been reading ‘Revolutionary Dreams: Utopian Vision and Experimental Life in the Russian Revolution’ by Richard Stites. This lead me once again to Boris Kagarlitsky’s The Thinking Reed. I thought I’d lost the book. There are fond memories of the time and place in which itContinue reading “Adventures in capitalism, April 22”